Sources of information
PASI web portal displays the data from the following sources.
Demographic data
Census Population Data
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Census region population data (State, SA4, LGA and postcode) is used to calculate particpation rates and population estimates for region samples. This data is from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Australian Bureau of Statistics correspondences are used for allocating postcodes to regions.
Socio-Ecomonic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA)
Australian Bureau of Statistics
The four SEIFA indexes are measures of relative socio-economic status (SES) calculated for each geographical area by ABS using census data. The SEIFA indexes available as map overlays are
Index of Relative Socio-Economic Disadvantage (IRSD)
Index of Relative Socio-Economic Advantage and Disadvantage (IRSAD)
Index of Economic Resources (IER)
Index of Education and Occupation (IEO).
As their names suggest, the four indexes are focused on different aspects of SES. Current SEIFA indexes are based on current census data and available from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Each index is constructed a weighted combination of socio-economic measures for individuals and households. For more information, see http://www.abs.gov.au/websitedbs/censushome.nsf/home/seifa
In the GIS, the shaded map displays are based on the deciles of each index i.e. all geographical regions of a particular type (e.g. postcodes) are divided into ten equal-sized groups (deciles), representing the bottom 10% of index values, the next 10%, and so on up to the top 10%.
Victoria in Future 2016 Population Projections
Department of Planning and Community Development
The Victorian Population projections available as map overlays are
2016 to 2021
2016 to 2026
2016 to 2031
Each population projection layer can be customised by age range and/or gender.
Sport and Recreation Facility and Infrastructure data - Victoria
Sport and Recreation Victoria
A comprehensive list of all sport and recreation facilities in Victoria for the current project sports. This includes the facility location, total number of fields/courts, surface type, condition, and information on change room availability.
The provision of facility map summaries provide details of the number of facilities per participant. These are presented as three categories (low, medium, high), representing the bottom third, middle third and top third of LGAs.
Victorian State Sporting Association Participation data
State Sporting Associations
This includes annual data of sport participants, coaches and umpires for the following sports:
This data has been mapped at a Victorian state level. Where available the participant, coach and umpire data includes information on individuals' sport identification codes, date of birth, sex, resident postcode, club name, and sport participation program or level of coach and umpire accreditation.
Health data
Physical Activity
Victorian Population Health Survey
The proportion of people aged 18 or over who did met the National Physical Activity Guidelines for Australians, developed by the Department of Health and Aged Care, 1999. These guidelines recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical exercise on most, and preferably all, days.
Victorian Population Health Survey. Immediate data source: Department of Health, Victoria – local government area profiles.
Overweight and obesity
Victorian Population Health Survey
An individual has been defined as being overweight or obese by calculating their Body Mass Index (BMI), which is a measure used to estimate levels of unhealthy weight in a population. BMI is calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in metres squared. A BMI score of 25.0-29.9 is classified as overweight and BMI scores above 30.0 are considered obese.
Victorian Population Health Survey, self-reported height and weight of people aged 18 years or over. Immediate data source: Department of Health, Victoria – 2012 local government area profiles.
Victorian Population Health Survey
The proportion of people aged 18 years or over who reported that they had been told by a doctor that they had type 2 diabetes.
Victorian Population Health Survey. Immediate data source: Department of Health, Victoria – local government area profiles.
Childhood Development Vulnerability
Australian Early Development Census
The Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) is a population measure of how young children are developing in Australian communities, as they begin school, across the five domains of early childhood development outlined above. Children in the lowest 10% of all Australian children in any of these domains are considered ‘developmentally vulnerable’.
Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) conducted by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, which is based on a survey of children in their first full-time year of school. Immediate data source: Public Health Information Dissemination Unit (PHIDU) Social Health Atlas of Australia.
Psychological Distress
Victorian Population Health Survey
Psychological distress was measured using the Kessler 10 Psychological Distress Scale (K10), a set of ten questions designed to categorise the level of psychological distress over a four-week period. The K10 cover dimensions of depression and anxiety. Individuals are categorised into four levels of psychological distress based on their score: low (10-15), moderate (16-21), high (22-29) and very high (30-50). The indicator in this report is the proportion of people aged 18 years or over who reported a high (or very high) level of psychological distress.
Victorian Population Health Survey. Immediate data source: Department of Health, Victoria – local government area profiles.